Every year Val Thorens makes improvements to the resort, whether it is a new and improved lift or a new Hotel and sports facilities. This year (2013) Val Thorens has once again been very busy. This is what is new for Val Thorens this ski season and what did they with the 20million euros they spent!:
Ski Lifts
Val Thorens gets lots of skiers from other valleys from resorts like Meribel and Courchevel and one of their bug bares is returning home. There were basically only two ways out of Val Thorens (3 if you include skiing down to Les Menuires), you would take either the Plein Sud lift or the 3 Vallees 1 and pick either the 3 Vallees 2 or Bouquetin. These would get you high enough to ski over to the next valley and home.
However things have changed, the 3 Valleys 1 lift has been replaced AND renamed to TSC Les Pionniers. This lift is a Hybrid (it’s hybrid everything these days!) 6 seater which is detachable and is strengthen to work better at high winds (which Val Thorens can have on occasion). Whilst replacing the lift they have also moved it a little which allows better access to the Folie Douce. You will still need to get the Bouquetin which is now called the Funitel 3 Vallees or the chair lift which was called the 3 Vallees 2 but now called TSD 3 Vallees. Are you following this? Don’t worry we have the most up to date Piste Map if you want to see for yourself.
Not only has the TSD 3 Vallees changed it’s name but it has changed from a rickety old lift to a modern detachable 4 seater (recycled from one of the other replaced lifts), which one of the lifts will now be the quickest up the mountain, can’t wait to find out!
The Chair lift 2 Lacs has also been replaced with a 4 seater detachable chair lift, this will help beginners ski this area easier and increase the speed of getting skiers up the mountain.
And finally for the lift section they haven’t forgotten Orelle. This area of the 3 Valleys (or is that 4?) could do with a little attention. We think there is some great skiing over there and now they have replaced one of the lifts. The Peyron Chair lift has been replaced with a 6 seater detachable lift. This was well over due and if you have skied this area before you know how slow those lifts could be!
Of course this lift is the start of your climb to the highest point in the 3 (slash 4) Valleys which is at the top of the Bouchet chair lift at 3230m.
For many years there has been talk of the Club Med Hotel to have an extension. This is a very popular hotel and a big asset to Val Thorens. However it was decided not to extend the hotel but to replace it. This will be much bigger than the current one and sits a little higher next to the Altineige building. Over the summer they have continued working on the Hotel. Sadly it will not be open for this season.
Zip Wire
Yep you read correctly, Val Thorens now has a zip wire! Val Thorens already has one of the best Toboggans in the Alps (and is a must to try) you can now ‘Zip’ down from the top of Bouchet at 3230m to the top of the Funitel de Thorens which drops you 250m. This is the highest zip wire in Europe! If this is your thing it’s a must as you will get one of the best views ever from a zip wire.
If you would like to know more click on to our Val Thorens Zip Wire page.
Recently there has been a couple of awards ceremonies in the Ski industry and we are very happy to announce that Val Thorens have picked up a few.
You now can call Val Thorens Frances Best Ski Resort by the Worlds Ski Awards AND the Worlds Best Ski Resort!
Also Val Thorens has been awarded The Most Improved European Ski Resort by the World Snow Awards.
Congratulations to all involved and as you can by their recent investment they are aiming to get them again next year!